Custom Washing Machine Enclosure For RV Mudroom | K-Z Durango
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Lets face it, washing machines are ugly. We didn't want an exposed washing machine in this RV even if it was in the (open) mud room. To solve this, rain2shine ventures built a custom enclosure, including natural wood to make a statement and tie the unit in with the rest of the space.
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FurnitureTotal Time
A few daysSize
Medium ModDifficulty
MediumTotal Cost
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2006How to | Custom Washing Machine Enclosure For RV Mudroom - K-Z Durango
View helpful step by step instructions on how to complete the “Custom Washing Machine Enclosure For RV Mudroom” mod on a 2006 K-Z Durango along with the products and tools that you’ll need to effectively accomplish the job. This Furniture mod was considered medium to do and took a few days to complete.
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