Grounding Electric - Ep 9 | Mercedes Sprinter
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The very first “electrical” project” of our van, we wanted to set a ground cable directly to the chassis of our van. This will ground our entire electrical system, which will be further documented. The 9th episode of our van build/conversion, installing our ground cable to the chassis of our Sprinter Van! We are almost done wrapping up insulation and this is the last step before we finish sealing off our vapor barrier. Here’s the quick video on how to install your ground cable to your chassis/frame of your van. Remember, you definitely want to do this BEFORE you insulate! This tutorial covers how to do it on a 170” Mercedes Sprinter Van, but I’d imagine other vans are very similar.
Mod Specifications
Mod Category
120v SystemsTotal Time
Less than 1 hourSize
Mini ModDifficulty
EasyTotal Cost
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2015How to | Grounding Electric - Ep 9 - Mercedes Sprinter
View helpful step by step instructions on how to complete the “Grounding Electric - Ep 9” mod on a 2015 Mercedes Sprinter along with the products and tools that you’ll need to effectively accomplish the job. This 120v Systems mod was considered easy to do and took less than 1 hour to complete.
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