Hood Wrap | Winnebago Revel
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With some trepidation, we decided to wrap the hood with Avery Supreme Black Matte wrap. It’s not a perfect match with the bumpers, but very darned close. Hood wrap and tinting done by SS Customs: http://www.sscamerica.com/ If you're in the SF Bay Area, check these guys out - - they're like Mecca for custom wrapping in Silicon Valley, doing chrome Lamborghinis, matte black Teslas, colorful Sprinters for Google, etc.
Mod Specifications
Mod Category
AestheticsTotal Time
A few hoursSize
Medium ModDifficulty
MediumTotal Cost
RV Details
Type of RV
Class BMake
2018How to | Hood Wrap - Winnebago Revel
View helpful step by step instructions on how to complete the “Hood Wrap” mod on a 2018 Winnebago Revel along with the products and tools that you’ll need to effectively accomplish the job. This Aesthetics mod was considered medium to do and took a few hours to complete.
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