How To Blend A Cat Litter Box InTo Your RV | K-Z Durango
We turned a storage bench into a cat litter box for our clients. They have trouble keeping their dog out of the litter, so we chose to cut out a circle on the side of the bench in the mud room to allow access for the cat, but also keep the dog out.
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PetsTotal Time
Less than 1 hourSize
Mini ModDifficulty
EasyTotal Cost
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2006How to | How To Blend A Cat Litter Box InTo Your RV - K-Z Durango
View helpful step by step instructions on how to complete the “How To Blend A Cat Litter Box InTo Your RV” mod on a 2006 K-Z Durango along with the products and tools that you’ll need to effectively accomplish the job. This Pets mod was considered easy to do and took less than 1 hour to complete.
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