Trash Can | Storyteller Overland MODE 4x4
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Hanging basket that can be moved from place to place. Perfect size for Van/Class B. Great Quality and Price too! Saw this in the Storyteller Facebook group. Cost around 25.00 on Amazon.
Products Used
Mod Specifications
Mod Category
WasteTotal Time
Less than 1 hourSize
Mini ModDifficulty
EasyTotal Cost
$25RV Details
Type of RV
Class BMake
Storyteller OverlandSeries
MODE 4x4Model
2021How to | Trash Can - Storyteller Overland MODE 4x4
View helpful step by step instructions on how to complete the “Trash Can” mod on a 2021 Storyteller Overland MODE 4x4 along with the products and tools that you’ll need to effectively accomplish the job. This Waste mod was considered easy to do and took less than 1 hour to complete.
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